5210R/5211R: ISO images updated

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

Updated ISO and disk images for BlueOnyx 5210R and 5211R have been published.

We just published new BlueOnyx 5210R and BlueOnyx 5211R ISO images that include all updates as of today. Likewise: Updated VDI and VMDK images have also been released today.

These images already include the new CalDAV/CardDAV integration and many important fixes since the last install media releases.

We also fixed a long standing issue with our BlueOnyx 5210R ISO image building process and related to modular repositories, which (in the past) only allowed us to very infrequently released updated ISOs. As this is now solved, we will again be able to frequently release updated ISOs for 5210R again.

Jul 20, 2023 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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